Taking the ‘dread’ out of annual reports

Every year do you feel a sense of dread when it is time to commence an Annual Report?

Here are some tips to make the process something you look forward to undertaking:

  • Start with a project task list and timeline. You can use project management software, Excel or Word to list all the actions and the date by which they need to be completed. Apart from peace of mind, this allows someone else to seamlessly take over in case you need to take urgent and unforeseen leave.

  • Communication is key. Enlist support from your executive and key departmental heads. Let them know your key deadline dates and ask them to nominate a contact person who will be your champion for content gathering.

  • Obtain the latest compliance schedules from relevant bodies such as the ASX or State Treasury to ensure your Annual Report contains the necessary information.

  • Most importantly, do not underestimate the amount of time required for approvals, re-approvals and more approvals, particularly around the checking of financial figures. Factor this into your timeline.

  • Finally, depending on the organisation or industry, consider electronic publishing only. This will save time, money and lots of headaches.

Forward Communications, Internal Communications, Brand Strategy, Graphic Design, Public Relations, Annual Report, Report, Reporting, Advice, Blog, Project, Communication, Corporate Communications

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